
Friday, August 29, 2014

In Memory, Ann (Brabazon) Shevill 1927 - 2014

It was with great sadness that I learnt of the demise of our beloved Ann. I can only speak on behalf of the wider Brabazon Clan and leave the closer familial memories to her nearer relatives and friends, of which, I know, she has many.

I first contacted Ann a good forty years ago and since then we have together and independently contacted the many geographically scattered members of the wider Brabazon Clan. Right up to the very end Ann was a contributor to the recently established Brabazon Blog, but always more than just a technical support she brought such great heart to the Family. And it is with that deeper love that she gave her time, abilities and patience to the goal of uniting a most excellent set of near and distant relatives.

I am sure we all have our fond memories of Ann and her exploits, and mine is of meeting her for the first time in England when I took her on a trip to see the ruins of Betchworth Castle, the supposed earliest site of settlement for the early Brabazons, just south of London. As we were walking up the grassy hill situated in Betchworth golf course toward the castle I became very annoyed with the superior attitude of one of the golfers (basically, “Hey, you! Get out the way!”). I think I (heatedly) likened this person to Adolf Hitler, which made Ann burst out laughing, breaking the ice (and my indignation), and then she added, “Michael, you should come to Australia – we love a good character!”

Well, those early days of pen & paper communications and the occasional meetings gave way to electronic communications and well-organised reunions. Ann certainly led the way. Even when there was not much going on she would keep us all posted with the Newsletter, transformed from a laborious print & post exercise to a mass email. She was so very supportive when I was preparing the Brabazon Archive website and that enthusiasm in general has been key to the whole Brabazon Family Project.

Dear Ann, we shall all miss you so very much, but you will remain in our hearts for as long as there is a Brabazon Clan.

Michael Brabazon

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Bristol Brabazon Aeroplane: The World's First Jumbo Airliner

By Michael Brabazon

The Brabazon aeroplane was the last of the great turbo-props, succeeded by the jet engine, built after the end of WWII. The ‘plane was manufactured in Bristol, England, hence the name The Bristol Brabazon. An entire village was flattened to create a suitably long runway and the specially built hangar was used for the later construction of  Concorde. The Brabazon was named after the 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara, John Moore-Brabazon, who had been the Minister of Aviation and had headed a committee charged with recommending a new commercial airliner. Although it never went into service it has always been remembered fondly by enthusiasts and the general English public alike. Anyone in England with the surname Brabazon was (and often still is) associated with The Brabazon, as the author of this piece can testify!

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